Yes,El Capitan, it was me and my buddy Chris who met up with Jeff "almost famous" Coursey at Monday night in the bight !!
After that week I went home and spent the next 18 months trying to stay alive long enough to get a kidney transplant ..obviously I made it but this coming January Will be my first trip back since 2003 . it looks like we mmay stay at Toad hall for jabuary 14th or 15th for 7 days... Love to see my old friends down there ..Yes ,I will do a bit of research into the transport of $400 worth of lobsters down to that temperature when they need to stay around 45 degrees F
Say hi to everyone including captain Barry .I still wear the hat he had made for that trip

"I have CDO. It's like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, only in alphabetical order like it should be"