Thanks for all the encouragement! The "just us" trip idea is growing on me more and more. We can easily swing it as it is far less expensive than booking a cat. We always seem to subsidize our "kids" which makes the trip cost so much more. Less work for me as well as I am the one packing, provisioning & planning, cooking, ensuring our friends are having a nice time and acting like a tour guide. While it is relaxing it is a lot of work too.

We can still plan our usual May/June group trip on a cat - which I personally prefer to sail. Nothing like twin engines, the space and accoutrements a cat provides and sailing flat (no stowing projectiles). But I don't want to waste the money chartering a cat for just the 2 of us. I would rather book 2 trips.

But since I long to go back to the BVIs (my addiction) we can easily plan an intermediate trip on a mono. The two of us means everything at our pace, eating what, when and where we want, hardly any provisioning and no one to consider but ourselves. Loving it!