Fletch said:
Global Entry speeds up the process for US Passport holders when clearing Immigration & Customs when returning to the US from a foreign country.

Actually, Global Entry is not just for US Passport holders. Citizens from the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Panama, South Korea, and Mexico can apply for Global Entry.

Canadian citizens can sign up for Nexus, which gives up expedited Immigration and Customs clearance into Canada through Nexus kiosk and also the US through Global Entry kiosk. Americans can also sign up for Nexus. The difference is you will have to go through 2 interviews. 1 for US and 1 for Canada. You will still get Pre-Check with either program. The big benefit of Nexus over Global Entry is cost. Global Entry cost $100 for 5 years, where Nexus only cost $50 for 5 years. If you live along the Nothern Border, you might want to consider joining Nexus over Global Entry.