What I do in summer here in New England is to start with a simple base of sliced or chunked tomato, thin sliced onion, a little sugar, chopped fresh basil and parsely, and a dressing that is roughly 2 parts EVOO or light OO to one part balsamic vinegar, S and P to taste.

Its yum good all by itself, its good with grilled anything, ( even bread) and it really tastes best NOT refrigerated.

From there, I can go a lot of ways. I can bulk it up with cubed cooked new potato, corn kernels, blanched asparagus, blanched broccoli or cauli-flowerettes, toss it with baby spinach leaves or any other baby salad mix, tweaking seasoning and dressing amounts as needed.

If I were on Island, I'd be thinking about Mango chunks and sauteed/cooled plantains, and some jerk seasoning as add-ins.
