It isn't simply a function of how far people are willing to go. It really depends on not only current weather/sea state and how comfortable one is with " current" conditions, but also in forecast, experience and expectation that " current conditions" will hold for the time duration including the return trip.

I don't consider myself a wimp or a wuss, but I was brought up on a body of water in New England that is known for changing faster than Superman could strip in a phone booth. I KNOW how to " see and forecast " in that environment, and I KNOW what happens if my back is turned to the change that is ( or could be) oncoming.

Getting wet IN the dinghy in the BVI is not really a huge deal, and AFAIC it is totally acceptable. YMMV. Getting DUMPED OUT of the dinghy because I didn't know the daily weather or current/tide or wind patterns or place the safety priority above the < I gotta go there> is not acceptable.