went to sams this weekend and loaded up on economy size pkgs of meat, including some ground turkey. here are two recipes i made this weekend. the pics were taken prior to cooking, so use your imagination a little. both recipes were new for me. i'll definitely add them to my archives.

thai leek meatballs, serves 2

1/2lb ground turkey
1/4tsp salt
1/4tsp ground black pepper
2tsp soy sauce (i used low sodium)
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1tbsp fresh lemongrass, finely minced
3/4 cup leeks, finely chopped

combine all ingredients. form the meatballs using approx. 1tbsp for each. and cook however you prefer. i baked at 350 for about 20-25min.
note: for the professional cooks looking at this, i admit that i didn't "finely mince". still came out mighty tasty.

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chipotle burgers

i doubled the chipotles based on some of the reviews. next time i'd probably triple the amount, as i like it spicy. also, instead of making 1/4lb burgers, i'd make it a 1/2lb each. served on a roll with mozzarella, very good. glad i made surplus for the freezer.

