recipe shared by tomralnc from the us&canada board:

1/4 cup cider vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup water, heat on stove to dissolve. Mix in with a grated cabbage and optionally small grated onion. Add catsup, maybe 1/2 cup but I never measure just judge on color. Then add Texas Pete to taste. If you can't get Texas Pete, Frank's or Tabasco will do. Start out easy. I sometimes add salt but this depends on the hot sauce since they all have loads of it. Chill overnight.

as promised, i made this and it is now chilling in the fridge. the slaw isn't as pink as i recall from the nyc bbq event i attended, but maybe that'll happen as it sets, or maybe as an amateur i didn't add enough ketchup. i plan on having this tonight as a side, not sure if that'll be enough time to let the flavors come together. i'll post results with photo later. keeping my fingers crossed.