Steak & Kidney Pie

•2lbs (900g) stewing beef, fat removed, cut into one-inch pieces.
•3/4lb (350g) beef kidneys (soak in cold water for half an hour).
•half teaspoon (2g) each of salt and black pepper
•half teaspoon (2g) of dried marjoram leaves
•half teaspoon (2g) of dried thyme leaves
•Pastry: The traditional pastry for steak and kidney pie is puff pastry but short pastry is just as good. If you prefer to make your own pastry there are recipes in most cookery books. Also, ready-made pastry is available in supermarkets and some of it is very good.
1.Put steak into a sturdy saucepan. Add cold water to cover meat. Use scissers to cut away as much kidney as possible from the membranes.
2.Chop kidney into small pieces and add to meat. Put lid on pan and cook over medium heat on top of stove for one hour. Lower heat to simmer, add salt, pepper and herbs and cook for about another hour, or until meat is tender.
3.The stew should be the consistancy of a thick gravy. If it’s a bit thin, thicken with a little cornstarch (or flour) mixed with cold water. Add to stew, stiring constantly.
4.This, so far, can all be done early in the day, then all you have to shortly before serving is assemble your pie and bake it - as follows:
5.Transfer your steak and kidney mixture into a deep baking dish. Try to find a dish where the meat will be as close to the top of the dish as possible. There’s a small ceramic object that is available in kitchen supply stores which can be placed in the middle of the meat. When you place the pastry on top of the steak and kidney this holds up the pastry to it doesn’t sit right on the meat and become soggy. An upturned ceramic egg cup works just as well. Let the mixture cool a bit before adding the pastry top.
6.Roll out your pastry and place it on top of the steak and kidney. Use scissors to cut away the extra pastry and crimp the edges between your fingers and thumb to make a decorative edging. Brush with beaten egg and don’t forget to cut a small air vent in the pastry ‘lid’.
7.Bake at 400F ((200C) degrees for twenty minutes, then reduce heat to 300F (150C) and bake a further fifteen minutes until pastry is nicely browned.


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