I think I can answer your questions...

1. No more nuts then the rest of us

2. IF it is 80 at night at home, do you you think A) This is great! I love it when its warm like this! I love sleeping in this weather! OR B) CRANK UP THE A/C!! (A - you won't need A/C, B, you probably will want it - not as black and white as this, but a rough way to measure..)

3. I am a former moorings owner. So the only cats I've chartered have been the cats they have in their fleet. Hands down, I'd choose the moorings 4000 (3900 would be my 2nd choice). 4000 is just a great boat - forward facing galley with access to the bow as well. It really makes it feel spacious and has a lot more room then I would have expected from a boat this size. It comes in 2 configurations - an owners version (3 cabins/2 heads) or charter version (4 cabins/2 heads). I'd get the owners version and you and your wife take the owners cabin and give the kids the other hull so they each have their own cabin but share a head.

4. As an owner, we sold time on our boat. The level of service is exactly the same with one exception. There is no service guarantee or any credits due to any issues. 99% of the time this would never be an issue. I think it is possible that in the rare occasion, you could have more issues then most or a more significant issue, but you can still know they will do their very best to resolve it and even put you on another boat if necessary. I typically sold time at a 30% discount off the regular rate so savings was decent. More expensive the boat, the better the savings.

My wife and I had previously honeymooned in St. Thomas and then stayed with friends on St. John (at the Westin) and that is what led to our first charter. It's a different experience and I think far better since you get to see so much more. Just don't try to see too much at one time.

As far as your experience and not having sailed in 7 years, I'd just suggest you get a captain for a day to make sure you are comfortable.
