Greetings All,

I wish for you all to know how grateful I am for your generous advice and responses to my post. Really appreciated. When I achieve World Domination, you all will be given positions of great wealth and power. If that takes longer, than I will stand you a painkiller. First new question guys: What about cruise ships? One of my villa contacts indicated they are hitting Tortola 5 days a week. Another on VG indicated fewer there, but still come in. This is almost antithetical to what are are going to BVI for. How do we avoid the hordes? I know CGB and The Baths get overrun but hopefully not the majority of each island.

I was planning to drive up to Leverick one day, take the water taxi to BEYC, get a room, go out to the rock for drinks and return and party at the BEYC pub and leave the next day. Can I do that up there and get a room without a reservation more or less spontaneously during a week long VG stay?

What is your favorite two week window during the year?

Thank you and smooth sailing,
