WayneB said:
Received my invoices yesterday... read every word. Nothing about bonus weeks. Also, since I have Non-Mandatory maintenance fees, it says nothing about me not using my timeshares this year, and just paying the special maintenance fees, so if I don't use it, I guess I pay nothing??

We too have non mandatory so I'm thinking the same thing. But it will boil down to "pay me now or pay me later." For us it will probably be never. It was nice while it lasted. Figure if they do this again in another 8 years we'll be too old to use it.

Got ours yesterday. Envelope contained paper notice with fee amount, return envelope, and a color brochure explaining project description and beautiful photos. Next to last page--one with heading RENOVATION FUNDING PLAN, has a paragraph titled EARLY PAYMENT PLAN INCENTIVES.

This reads 10% discount if you pay in full the first year plus tow Bonus Week Certificates. To take advantage call 800-367-4384.