Not sure and a lot more stages/raised areas for VIP ($175pp) and it looked to be a pretty confined area. I know the Red, Red Wine song was done around 2:30 am from what a neighbor told us. Not much in the paper today about it. I have not walked to Kim Sha today but on the morning walk, I saw much less trash than in past year and I assume that is due to less people.

On another note, the Captain D place has had tables, stools and chairs out on a regular basis and looks to be trying to expand. Junior said they could not have tables without restrooms, of which there are none. I am all for a hard working person making a fair living but (to me at least) this thing has "squatter" written all over it and his facebook rants regarding the local government may or may not have merit. Just my opinion from my observation.

Also, the paved parking area and partial new side walk is interesting. There is a blue plastic tube/pipe running out of it in the area of Captain D's and a water meter/line protruding from the middle of the sidewalk further down. Makes no sense at all to have incorporated these into the cement.
