Another thing which would be a concern to some but probably not all: if you do dinghy over and spend the afternoon at the Soggy Dollar, you will probably have a dinghy full of tipsy sailors on the way back. There is always a risk of some drunken soul going overboard because they are not holding on.

I've done the trip by taxi and by dinghy. Just to echo what others wrote: you will get soaked in the dinghy (both ways) and the taxi (I've never hiked it) provides a couple spectacular views of both GH and WB on route. Wave and wind conditions should be your final determining factors of making the trip by dinghy.

FYI I've noticed that during my last 2-3 times that the mooring balls in GH are pretty much taken by 1PM or so (my trips have all been during the late January - mid February timeline).