Deb & I went to a pig roast on Saturday night...
They did a 100# pig and there were LOTS of leftovers, we got a huge tray to take home...
So last night Deb made Pork Pie...
YUMMMM! Great cool weather, rainy night dinner!

This one was just "off the cuff", no recipe, Deb just winged it...

Lined a 9x6x4 inch pyrex dish with pie crust...
layer of 1 can Campbells Cream of Mushroom Soup...
layer of fresh Crimini Mushrooms...
layer of thin sliced onions...
layer of shreaded pork...
layer of cooked carrots...
layer of peas...
fresh ground pepper (doesn't need any salt!)
and a layer of another can of Cream of Mushroom Soup...
Topped with another Pie Crust...
In the oven at 350F for 1 hour 20 minutes...
Let rest for 20 minutes...

[color:"blue"]Life with my wife... It's not just a marriage, It's an Adventure![/color]
"Only Sailors Get Blown Offshore" <*}}}><{