My dilemma is obviously the extra time out on the boat versus the extra costs of that night. George, this is a great idea that I will explore. However, another consideration is the logistical challenges on the front end of the trip. We have 3 flights on Monday the 12th with kids in tow, and if we stay in CGB, we will have a rental car and a 1 night stay in a hotel. This means dealing with our luggage and other things.

Anyway, last year was our first year bareboating and we packed too much into the trip, especially up front. My main focus this year is to make this a more relaxing trip so we can just enjoy where we are. In other words, I am trying to cut down on the required actions.

If I move the sleep aboard to Monday the 12th, the night we land, our luggage will go straight to the boat and we can take our time getting off the dock the next day. This would also give us another night in our itinerary to do what we want. In another post, George said he doesn't know where he is going until lunch most days. This is the level of relaxation and enjoyment I long for, but as a 2nd year captain, I am not there yet. Therefore, this extra night might help.

You can see my dilemma. If we landed earlier and would not be tired, saving the money and spending the night in CGB would be a much more appealing option for sure.

Ugh, these tough problems! Obviously joking! In fact, I feel like a selfish jerk complaining about moving luggage when others are dealing with real problems.
