Chartering on St. Thomas works for us because we prefer St. John and the SVIs to the BVIs. We love the BVIs too, but it costs more to go there and its crowded. The boat is just part of the cost - ferries, provisions, beach bars and restaurants are more expensive and the level of service is pretty challenged. There are some BVI deals out there - Leverick Bay, Anegada and anchorages without moorings. If cost is a driver, then provisioning on St. Thomas, eating some meals on the boat and hitting the National Park moorings in the pristine bays and free non-NPS anchorages around St. John is a big cost saver.

There are BVI spots we do not want to miss on a USVI/BVI trip. Sopers Hole is very close to Leinster Bay on St. John, and Jost Van Dyke is just a wee bit further for checking into the BVIs. Check in at Jost Van Dyke is generally easier. If you are on a charter boat, you can check in and out at the same time.

We voted with our wallet and own a private boat that we keep in French Town Marina on St. Thomas. Its the same marina as CYOA, ten minutes from the STT airport. In July we are taking De Life out for two weeks and week one will probably be the SVIs with week two a combination of St. John and the BVIs.

Cheers, RickG

S/V Echoes, 2003 Beneteau 423