
Let me address the point of contention here - certainly wasn't the atmosphere I was looking to create with this report! Before you all judge me too harshly (may be a bit late for that), I'll say this: -
- The guidance from the charter company was stated as a preference, not a requirement (as, say, the Mosquito cut is). IOW, I don't believe it was red-lined (though I accept I may be assuming here).
- There is actually a well-marked channel all the way out to Oil Nut Bay and out of the sound. It's fully described in the cruising guide. I studied this hard before making the decision.
- Again, before deciding, I sought opinions at the marina, and spoke to someone who regularly takes a monuhull out there, and who told me that the channel is dependable.
- When cruising, I carefully stuck to the middle of the channel and went *very* slowly, checking depth all the way.
- The shallowest point is actually right at the start (between Saba Rock and BEYC). I estimate I had 4 feet of clearance at this point (I had dived under the boat earlier in the trip to make sure I knew how to correctly interpret the depth meter) - and after a few seconds you're clear and in the deep. This depth is basically the same (though much shorter) as the channel at Anegada, which is red-lined by some charters, yet many of us routinely do it.

I doubt I'll change your minds here, but I also don't want you to think of this as an act of recklessness on my part - I would not do that. It was a carefully considered risk that I judged to be safe (and was willing to take responsibility for).

I get all the points made from the owners perspective, but this was my 5th week in the BVI, and I've always treated the boats with the utmost respect, and have always taken a pride in returning them in great condition.

Like I say, this wasn't really the reaction I was looking for on the report as a whole, but I get the concern.
