While you make very good and valid points, the initial post was made before a name was released. At least I believe that to be the case as I followed this closely and several different places.

I checked all links posted in the original post and the name was not included in any article until 3 days into the situation. Initially including a name in any death report/article is not standard practice. The same played out here.

While some are inclined to make a rash statement initially, I am pretty sure the vast majority felt sorrow for the family and friends involved.

I am pretty sure most of us (myself included) have made poor choices. Some have not been harmed by them and others have paid the ultimate price. There is only so much any government or entity can do to protect people from the elements and less they can do to protect people from themselves.

Look at the current heroin/opioid situation across this country. Record deaths, record use of NARCAN and it still continues to worsen. You can not legislate intelligence or common sense.

There is limited space with which to work with the runway,the road and the ever changing beach. Can the runway be extended? Perhaps but then the road at the other end comes into play. There is no easy fix for this and with the added publicity of this incident, I expect to hear about more injuries and possibly worse.
