We were lucky to be able to enjoy 3 days of fun and sun before Irma hit. The "friendly island" lived up to its nickname. St. Maarten and Oyster Bay Beach Resort have my heart and I hope to be back someday (just not during hurricane season). There have been negative rumors and comments circulating (social media, News outlets, etc.) about how we were treated at OBBR. All I can say is, is that I am SO grateful that I experienced Irma there and not anywhere else. They were as prepared as they could be although no one expected the catastrophic damage Irma brought with her. The staff was on site making sure we were okay at almost all hours of the day even after many of them had lost EVERYTHING. We were fed and taken care of to the best level they could provide under the circumstances. All those prayers you said for us, please say them again for those who call St. Maarten home as it will be a long process of rebuilding and healing. I was kind of shell shocked so I didn't get many pictures of the post-hurricane destruction, but Josh got plenty with both his phone and GoPro. I will share when he posts!!