Since hurricane Luis in 1995, Simpson Bay Lagoon has been considered a death trap for any boat that stays in the Lagoon. Hurricane "lefty" Lenny in 1999 destroyed many boats in Simpson Bay Lagoon as well.

Hurricane Gonzolo in 2014 brought that fact to bear once again for the boats that didn't understand Simpson Bay Lagoon is not safe during a hurricane.

Now with hurricane Irma's destruction displayed in the news, more cruisers will know it is not safe to leave their boats in Simpson Bay Lagoon during hurricane season.

Boats stored on land have a better chance of surviving but everything is vulnerable in a category 5 hurricane.

Yes it is better to be out of the "hurricane box" during hurricane season but many new Caribbean sailors each cruising season aren't ready, able or have the necessary sailing skills to make the long trip south to places like Trinidad.