Directed to no one in particular....

I'm not a big fan of the new GoFundMe mentality, but I have donated to three of those on the island. All three were businesses where we would have dropped a whole lot more, during our usual three week stay, than what I donated. All three were also funds that are doing more than just begging for help to rebuild their own businesses. These are folks who are offering free food to people who need it, are pitching in to help others who have lost everything, and who are more concerned with their staff than themselves.

I've always been a believer in personal responsibility, but I'm pretty sure nobody plans for the eye of a Cat 5 hurricane to hit their home. Even with insurance, recovery from that would be extremely difficult. I'm happy to help, even in a small way.

Last edited by GaKaye; 09/27/2017 06:23 PM.