IMHO if a business doesn't try to rebound as quickly as possible in their market, and in the case of St. Martin in general that is tourism, then people will take their business elsewhere and not everyone is a devoted to SXM as some of you are. There is a lot hanging in the balance with Club O and in general with every business on SXM. The majority shareholder is elderly, the land is very valuable and is wiped clean right now for new development. How easy would it be to say "I'm out and a huge corporation has offered me tones of money for the property". This effort to restart the business is a good sign and if you can support of the effort, when feasible to the infrastructure, is what they are hoping for.

The cruise industry is huge economic part of SXM. The sooner those dollars return the sooner that those same dollars can be used for rebuilding of businesses. If a business owner is selling their wares from under a tent on their vacant lot today then they are making money towards the rebuild of their building.

Everyone has their own thoughts about how to best support the island in its return to a vacation destination. On the island there are sure to be differing opinions as well. Just like life we should strive to understand others opinions and not beat them down as wrong but allow them as different.

Adopt the island spirit of "we love everyone" and "all in island time", whatever that may be.

Last edited by autoeng; 09/30/2017 11:48 AM.

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