Monday, October 21st<br><br>[color:blue] Casinos and Side Trips </font color=blue> <br><br><br>Besides sex, if you've never seen an adult legitimately happy, a brief peer through the window of magic moments, a kid again, there really is a God happy, then be sitting a few seats down the bar when one of them hits a royal at VP, or go to the Bellagio Fountains show, at night, where there's hundreds of them, including me. <br><br>We're talking hundreds here folks, every fifteen minutes, never ending, at the Bellagio, the great Steve Wynn's masterpiece, fountains show. <br><br>Everyone looking up in awe, each with their own thoughts, not a cough, not a clearing of the throat, not even a, "honey do you still have the comp. slip" or "JOEY!, if you don't leave your SISTER alone, i'm going to SMACK YOU!.. rightacrossthelake.<br><br>See the end of the movie remake of Ocean's Eleven, where the characters in the movie are watching the Fountains show at the Bellagio, notice their expressions, that's what it's like.<br><br>Monday, October 21st (To Be Continued)<br>