We’ve been visiting this island for over forty years and I doubt there’s ever been a trip we didn’t lose power at least once or twice. The unit we used to stay in at old Mullet Bay Resort even had candles in it back in the day - granted they were citronella, but they worked in a pinch. Over all our Towers years we’ve noted recurrent outages but we have a back-up generator system so the only inconvenience is resetting the clocks and once or twice we had to use the stairs to and from the seventh or eighth floors.

It is a bit silly the residents have to put up with these constant outages but I guess as long as it’s a government owned and operated entity, the situation probably won’t change much for the better. As a vacationer we were always able to cope but I’m not so sure as a resident I would/could be as patient between the regular inconvenience along with the oft destroyed appliances because if the outages.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat