It is on Rue du Mont Vernon, down the road from Sol e Luna. We used to pass it by when we stayed at Hotel Mont Vernon years ago, when it still functioned as a resort hotel (though less and less so as the years passed by, which is why the poorly-run joint finally was converted into multi-family housing.)

Never stopped by Jardin d'Orient to check it out. Really quite a hike from the beach; walking to and from it would give you one heck of a workout. Virtually all the hotels in the immediate vicinity have been closed for years and converted into residential housing.

As I recall, it did not appear to have all that many units and I wouldn't exactly call it a resort--maybe a small collection of bungalows would be more accurate. I am completely unaware that it is clothing optional. Never came across any such description of it. I'm sure I would have encountered someone who had stayed there for that reason sooner or later over the years. We've only been going to SXM since '95 and have parked ourselves on the beach near Papagayo. Never once heard anyone mention Jd'O as a CO facility. And we know dozens and dozens of friends who daily populate the Club O beach area during February. So I'm sure someone would have talked or asked about it, since so many knew (years ago) that we were staying in the vicinity. It is certainly possible that it is a new policy, however.

Last edited by cacapasa; 03/08/2018 05:04 AM. Reason: grammar mistake