I agree that it is in bad taste to snap photos of people who frequent the Club Orient section of this beach, but in reality if it's a harmless photo from someone new to the area who may be on vacation I wouldn't concern myself too much with this. Then you start worrying about who's doing this rather than relaxing and enjoying the day. And, I suppose in some ways I would be flattered if someone actually wanted to take a photo of me in the buff! A few years ago while I was 'walking' the beach I was almost at the rocks by what was Pedro's when I noticed two couples looking down the beach at all the people and the yellow umbrellas. Rather than call them 'gawkers', I told them they didn't know what they were missing and I encouraged them to give it a try! The two women giggled and shook their heads, but guess what? Less than an hour later one of the couples was walking hand-in-hand 'au natural' approaching Papagayo's with big smiles on their faces! So, I suppose if you encounter someone taking photos in bad taste send them a smile and invite them to join in!