We are considering how we can best instal A/C units in some of the apartments. Biggest issue is that doors and windows were not constructed to keep cool air in, and any cooling appliance would be working very hard to cool down the outside as well.
We have A/C (planned from the beginning) in our own condo, but we only use it during the worst of the rainy season to keep humidity down in order to conserve electronics, books etc.
Some of our guests wonder, just like you do, how they will tolerate the climate without A/C, especially our many Canadian guests. We are located on top of a ridge which offers plenty of breezes and MOST guests are pleasantly surprised to find that open windows, doors and plenty of ceiling fans are sufficient for a comfortable stay.
In the dry season, when most people come to stay at Casa Banda, everybody are outside as much as possible, with the covered porches being part of the living area.
We hear more often that folks are happy and comfortable than people wishing for A/C.
The issue has not been "shelved", the best solutions just hasn't been found yet. So, yes, we are considering installing A/C, but we don't know when it could happen.