So it’s Sunday evening about 9:30 and we’re still being serenaded by our trusty generator. We went out to dinner and saw incredible devestation everywhere we went. No clue as to the big ‘WHEN’ as in when will the power, tv, internet and telephones be restored. But the really good news is there are crews everywhere from all over and they’re doing their absolute best to get it done. The damage is unbelievable but they’re really busting their collective butts to achieve full restoration. I haven’t seen any Frontier or Spectrum trucks so I’m hoping they’re next but there’s not too much they can do until all the poles are repaired.

I have to admit though, I was pea green with envy when I realized the people on the end of our road FIVE HOUSES AWAY have power back. Patience, pilgrims! I know it will be soon.......😊😊



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat