Nothing really has changed. Without police presence or response this will go on. We have been going to Island since the mid 80s. have things changed? yup and of course. But when we stay in at night, not dirve around to certain areas, not go to french side especially marigot like we used to?We have given up alot that we loved and did. Our home on Island is gated, before that, many robberys. Lights on all over the house, and with that we keep our fingers crossed. No this is not being negative, this is the real deal. You can vacation in a secure resort, but those that live there have many issues, and those that have homes. Have to find ways to stay safe. Not good for the Island, but the Island is not what it was for many reasons, Irma is just the nail in the coffin. Yup very negative, but unlike you all, I know the real deal...