While I like Aruba, I love St. Maarten. Aruba is great for a change of pace, it lacks the variety of experience that St. Martin has. I am used to the rolling hills of southwestern Ohio, while Aruba is flat. Driving around the hills of St. Martin is fun for me. The multiculural experience of St. Martin appeals to me and while Aruba is multicultural, it is heavily Americanized in most areas where the tourists gather. I find that people on both islands are friendly. Its possible that the complexity of St. Martin offers a challenge for me that never gets dull. My wife prefers Aruba and our time share is in Aruba, but I prefer St. Martin. Casinos operate in Aruba as well as Dutch St. Maarten, which offers our main diversion in Aruba. My advice is to go to Aruba, you will enjoy it, but you will return to St. Martin.

Paradise is an island in the Caribbean!