"lots of work to be done without a workforce to do it"... WHY??? Now, I actually don't know what they are supposed to be doing at Royal Palm, but I assume you know what you're talking about what they are doing at Flamingo. They are not repairing, they are re-doing the whole complex, and they certainly have the MONEY to do it, but they don't have the workforce to do it. Huhm, surely they would have known that going in, IF there really is a big shortage of workers AND they can't get them from overseas, which I really think they could get workers from overseas if they tried. So, they knew this would take twice as long as it would some other time, because they supposedly can't get workers. Regardless, this is their CHOICE, to put their timeshare owners out of their places for in some cases, three whole years and still expect them to pay their t/s fees. ….which a lot of people will walk, which is apparently what they want.. And, as JD said, get rid of all their workers. And at Royal Palm, probably get rid of the people running the restaurant.. And at RP, get rid of the whole owners. Business decisions, for what is right for Diamond, certainly NOT for the island or their timeshare owners.

Carol Hill