Ok, it has been less than 24 hours so far. Will not bore you with the details so far, that will come!

We have only driven, cole bay, up over the hill to the old grand marche (now Caredfour sp?). Talk about a change at Carefour -- we knew where everything was located, now have to learn all over again. Major change, and can say it is NOT BAD AT ALL.

Went to p'burg to the electronic store for the fix for the phone. Very professional and was done correctly..... Thanks Beachkitchen for the info. Have phone and travel it works, evreything carried over.... Now have to read the XQVX instructions --- was simple before you pressed numbers on the keypad and it called!!! Now you have all of these "other" things to deal with!! Give me a phone that makes phone calls only!! (G)

Ok, enough of that, more to come.

FIRST IMPRESSION and only what we have done so far.

Simpson Bay, driving on the main drag ---- if you have never been here before ---- NO ISSUES at all. What you do not know does not hurt you. Do we know some difference, yes -- was it EXTREME NO.

Have not driven/been to Maho, but can see it from here. Construction yes!! If you have not been here --- new build!! Everything is perspective.

Went to p'burg for the phone, nothing exciting. But was watching my driving and cars and traffic also. But nothing stood out. Just normal construction for the most part, especially if you did not know any better. Saw workers repairing buildings... that is normal..... again what is the perspective.

Ok yes, you could say a lot of things................ BUT remember ......... WE STILL HAVE BLUE PLASTIC ON OUR ROOF AT HOME IN FLORIDA TODAY............ we are hoping that we will have a new roof either when we get home or the week that we get home.....PERSPECTIVE is the key.

Will relay a whole lot more.... but wine, Ribs for lunch, etc is not a bad thing! And the water is blue and the view is amazing. Did I forget to mention about the sand in front AND no seaweed!!! And most important, PAT did not steal and hide Saba and St Barts this morning. She must have gotten up late or forgot!!!

Besides my glass is empty! That is not a good thing --- ok reminder to self, got to go to the grocery tomorrow to pick up more wine!!! And KLM just landed, life is good, never get tired of that! (g)


Eric Hill
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