Thanks for the response which unfortunately just activated my "I got to go back" gene!

Over the years we've run into lots of weird problems. Once we lost the dinghy coming out of Road Town because of a poorly tied knot at the dinghy end. For a few trips after that I checked that knot but haven't done that in a while. That same year we couldn't get the main to hoist so when we went back to The Moorings to get a dinghy, we asked the rigger to figure out the problem. He strained and groaned quite a bit before noticing that a too loose reef line as hooking the bimini. After that trip I made sure I checked the reefing lines, but obviously that lesson learned was forgotten this year.

Of all the issues we had with this charter, the one that bugs me the most is the delay of the skipper paperwork and the fact we had been tagged as a Sea Trek boat which I'm sure impacted the overall prep schedule for the boat. I believe that one factor sort of snowballed into problems created down the line. It put us in a rush state that no doubt increased the chances of my missing something before heading out.

Louis from Houston