Club O released some further/more in-depth information today on Facebook:

"Thank you for all the comments and statements of support. We’ve said it before, but you truly do not appreciate how grateful we are to have such loyal and wonderful friends.
Some of you have asked various questions and don’t feel we have responded with detailed answers or explanations and wonder why we seem to only be limiting our postings to general updates.
You’re right! We have tried to keep our postings as simple and truthful as possible, as the details often would take a great deal of explanation and for those of you unfamiliar with how differently things operate outside your home country, sometimes it just doesn’t seem to make sense.
I have worked in countries all over the world from Asia to Europe to Central America and of course, the Caribbean. One of the first things I learned (the hard way I might add) was that no one in the country you are working in cares how it is done in the States. You are not there to change, comment on or give advice on how things are done, “back in the States”. If you can’t accept that, you shouldn’t be working or living in someone else’s country.
Having said that, we are going to start posting one or two FAQ’s daily to explain some of the things which are often mentioned by people who comment on social media. We are not going to go into great detail, as it often can get very complicated and simple questions can often require very lengthy answers.
I will also point out that Orient Beach Club is a French corporation and like any corporation it does not always post everything online for public consumption of a privately held company.
Finally, as a blanket statement I would disregard about 99% of what you see on social media. It is often written by people who have not even been on St. Martin, but instead heard from “someone who knows”. Some of the people posting have also heard directly from a waiter, beach boy, a local who they met on the beach etc.
We’ve said it before. If you want to know if something is true or not, just email us and ask! If we know the answer, we’ll tell you. If we are unsure, we’ll tell you that as well.
With all of that said let’s start with the FAQ’s


Immediately after Irma we set up a private online site for all employees to discover if they or their family needed help, where they were located and what they needed that we could supply.
Nancy Tieman was kind enough to start the go fund me page for employees and thanks to your generosity we were able to give each employee approximately $1000.00 We posted pictures of the happy day when it was distributed.
As a side note we should also thank Windward Island bank for bending (breaking) a host of rules to assist us. In addition, we had to hire off duty Gendarmes for security, so people would actually get back home unmolested. It was a big undertaking, at a rather sketchy time on St. Martin.
The employees have been receiving "chomage partial" every month since Irma. OBC pays each employee 85% of their net wages, plus holidays and vacation at full pay. OBC only receives back from the government a smaller percentage of minimum wage.
Employees also can work while receiving this money, so some employees are actually doing better than pre-Irma! Most however, are not able to find a job, as our unemployment rate is about 63%.
The Government limits this to 1000 hours per year. They have the ability to extend it and have once since Irma. As of now, chomage partial will end on November 2018.
When chomage partial ends an employer must pay full wages, even if the employee is not working or terminate the employee. Termination is a time consuming and expensive proposition. The employee would then be eligible of Assedic or unemployment. They would receive their full salary from the government for one year (or two in some cases).
The above is just a thumbnail overview of the question, “What about the employees?” You can see why we didn’t include it before in our postings. If any of you are really interested in this stuff, please let us know and we’ll keep it up as long as there are questions."