
Seems I didn't do any lasting damage - by the 3rd day after it happened, I only felt the occasional twinge, and only after doing the boat aerobics necessary on a cruising boat.

Of course, I drank a lot more on the last half of the trip than I did on the first half - I think it must be injury related ~grins~

~and I waited until I got back to Canada - free health care and all, yanno... ~smiles~

I don't think I'll do C&I on such a short trip again. On my own boat, and going down island, it would be worth it, but for two days and back, definitely not. We only did it to gain experience, since I had never done it before. Won't necessarily worry about doing it again while chartering.

SVI's next? Or the Grenadines? We're ready to book something! PM me and we'll start figuring it out!


Email me~ dawncustode@gmail.com