BTW - what have you booked for your next trip? You promised to tell me if I posted my report - blackmail! <img src="" alt="" /> [/quote]
Ok, a deal is a deal. Last year when I went to the UK for the wedding, no not that one, Dan and Emilys, Trip report - The big day! I stayed one night at my friend Annes house. Anne and I met on my first charter on Skyelark and sailed together again on the BVIs charter in 2010. I finally had a chance to meet her boyfriend Paul and they were talking about their upcoming 4 year/open ended world cruise on Seventh Heaven, their Trintella 50. I mentioned that it has always been a dream of mine to cross an ocean on a small boat, so they invited me to join them on the transatlantic portion of their cruise. So Nov 23, the day after our Thansgiving, I fly to Tennerif in the canary Islands and after a few days of getting accustomed to the boat we set sail for the trade winds with our destination Sint Maarten around the third week of December. I am really looking forward to it, everyone I have spoken to who has made their first crossing say it is a life changing experience. And yes there will be plenty of pictures once we make landfall.

Drink all day at home, your friends worry about you; do it on vacation and they say "what a good time you're having". Save your friends needless worry, travel more!