As far as SAFETY is concerned, as the others have said, you should be fine walking from there during the day, but definitely NOT at night. I personally would not walk to Sunset at all, as I am lazy and as JD said, there's not an easy way. The best way is probably to walk down to El Zafiro and then cut through the neighborhood. There is a stairs by that one condo complex at the end of Simpson Bay, but I THINK based on something I read here, that those stairs are now locked off. I'm not a big fan of El Zafiro myself, but you could walk to there from Mary's Boon during the day, all along the beach. It's not a bad walk to El Zafiro but it would be all in the sun. I definitely would NOT do that walk at night either though. Karakter is literally next door to Mary's Boon, so no problem going there at night.

Carol Hill