Carol it was one of our first times trying a great place on island. Back then we didn't care what it cost. We'd save all year just to eat in SXM. We'd mix it up with small local places in P'Burg like Pinocchio's and the pizza place across the street that didn't serve pizza until the sun went down because it was too hot to turn on the ovens. A buffet style take out place near Great Bay hotel.

We tried Le Bec Fin when it was in P'Burg, Poisson D'Or twice but I can't remember if it was in Marigot or on the way to Grand Case. Oceanfront with an art gallery attached.
Le Pressoir, Auberge Gourmand when Christopher was a waiter---he now owns La Villa which we still stop at every year. Caravanseri had a restaurant in a gazebo over the water. Once waves crashed over and all, including piano player got drenched---free dinner!

I've forgotten more than I remember. Now we eat once or twice in a very upscale place such as Sol e Luna, Le Pressoir, and late unches at places like Le Taitu. Digestion isn't the same as you age. But you're too young to know that.