Yesterday was another laid back day for us. We pretty much hung at the pool here and enjoyed the luxury of not having to go anywhere or do anything, knowing full well we were meeting good friends at Marks Place later on for dinner.

It was truly a gorgeous day until again, out of no where, another of those rain squalls blew in. We thought about it and we gave serious thought to calling the Cannegieters and cancelling but at just about the time we were due to leave the rain backed off and by the time we got in the car it had almost stopped. So certain was I it was done, when I realized I had forgotten my umbrella I basically said what the heck and by the time we would get to Marks the rain would have passed and we wouldn’t need it. WRONG!!

And then, about half way to ‘the hill’ it started all over again but this time with a vengeance. So much so, that by the time we reached Marks we were questioning our own sanity for being out in it, but again, these rain squalls had come up off and on ever since we’ve gotten here so we figured it would pass. This one was different!

The Cannegieters arrived at just about the same time we did so we dodged the pelting rain and made it into Mark’s and to our table. Hugs and hellos exchanged, drinks and dinner ordered, we reminisced for the first hour but by now the rain, instead of stopping, had become seriously intensified. Barbara kept checking her cell phone weather and they kept upping the stop time for this particular passing squall. By this time, after finishing their delicious bucket of mussels and a couple of glasses of wine, Barbara was again checking her cell phone for updates and suggesting we spend the night at their house basically around the corner from Marks. She had just read the first official warnings about street flooding and cautions that people should avoid driving at all costs. We knew that we’d have issues getting across White Sands Road but didn’t ever dream we’d experience the flooding on the hill.

OMG! It was horrible. You may think I’m being melodramatic but there were small mud slides - small for sure - and the rains were gushing down the hillside like nothing I could/would have ever imagined. And we had waited to leave until the rain jad slowed again, almost to a stop. When we finally reached the exit driveway from The Dunes Casino you could barely find tgecroad in places but thank God our trusty little R14 made it through and with my DH’s steady hand and nerves of steel along with the absolute grace of God, we did arrive safely back at Beachside Villas.

The mussels were wonderful and the pleasure of catching up with long time friends was excellent but perhaps next time lunch so at least, God forbid, something like that should happen again, we could see where we were going and what we were dealing with.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat