I'm confused at this point whether you are talking about Happy Bay or Orient about police patrolling and writing citations? The Club Orient section of Orient Bay has been traditionally nude for a long time and hopefully there are no issues regarding continuing nudity on that section of the beach. The rest of Orient is technically no longer nude friendly, although it used to be. Every few months, the gendarmes run patrols and stop people from walking the rest of Orient Beach nude. I personally have not heard of any gendarme patrols on Orient since Irma. Due to Bikini being only beach bar open at the moment other than Perch Lite, I doubt they have bothered patrolling since Irma. Once some of the other big beach bars reopen, they may resume patrols. But so long as you stay on the section where Club O is (was??), you should be fine. Regarding Happy Bay, it continues to get a lot of nude use, although it is not technically legally sanctioned there. Currently, unless you go on the weekend, you should be fine with nudity on Happy Bay. I have never heard of any patrols on Happy Bay. Occasionally the gendarmes have parties or beach training exercises there, but reports from others who have been there at the time is that the gendarmes could care less about nudity on Happy Bay, and in fact have occasionally joined in the fun! And again, while not technically legally sanctioned, there is a lot of nude use of Cupecoy Beach, which is on the Dutch side.

Carol Hill