In another lifetime long ago I was the editor of our local newspaper. I read EVERY single piece we published BEFORE it went to print and rarely were there any "typos" Typos reference is just a way of saying whoever wrote the piece was too lazy to read it over after it was written and make corrections. In the media today budget cuts have meant that "proof editors" are a thing of the past which means the onus is on the writer to check their work for spelling, facts and grammar.
Spell check helps but won't correct grammar or make sure the data is accurate...think Trump and "fake news"
To be honest, I'm ashamed of the quality of journalism today. To me, the standards today are a poor reflection of what I consider was, once, a noble and proud trade. Like Carol I too am an older "folk" who is disappointed in the lack of professionalism shown today by the younger set. Sorry kids, but I think you need to spend more time with your noses in books and less time staring at a screen!