Glad to hear that about your wife, Scubaman. I honesty think that many people don't realize just how strong the tropical sun is even in the winter months. And, it's especially deceiving when a tropical breeze is blowing because people are being cooled by the breeze, but don't realize what's happening to their skin. My advice (for what it's worth) is for those flocking to the beaches to start with a 50 spf sunscreen, and lay it on thick. Do it before your put your swimsuit on. Pay close attention to your ears, lips, and the tops of your feet. Men who are balding should wear a hat, as well. If, after a few days you are not getting a tan then you can switch down to a 30 spf sunscreen, but be sure to reapply it often after you swim, etc. And, above all take some breaks from the sun and have a drink or a bite to eat in between.