CottageGirl, I am so not surprised Andrew would haul water to you guys. He and Ann are such great hosts. We feel at home every time we go. Agree that provisions are sparse. If you plan to cook, you may want to consider shipping food in. Otherwise, there is just enough to get by. Sherwin's tour is as you described. He is very knowledgeable and his ceviche is really good. As with you he taught us how to remove the meat. So cool! We have stayed on Anegada 4 times post hurricanes. At least once or twice each of those weeks we were without water and power. As Christo stated above, that makes the BVI a special place. If the power is out, we go swimming or drive around the island. So glad you had a great time on my favorite island. We will go again in May. Then do our first sail in November. One last thing, the flight approaching Anegada is one of my favorite moments of the trip.

Go Irish!!
