Just as an FYI, you don’t have to hike but it is an option if you’re of a mind to, and my driving comment isn’t because of the condition of the roads - they’re pretty decent, or were when we were last there, but the corners can be tough. On one of our trips around the island, our van taxi got stuck on one of the turns. Please don’t go on a tear there though I know it was just a euphorism....... many of the turns are not for the feint-hearted.

Three weeks is a perfect SXM vacation - plenty of time to see and do and then to relax, too. I’m not certain if it’s even doable, but if you are able to fly from L’Esperance to Saba you might have to pay a hefty departure fee since you’re going from one country (technically France) to another but from PJIA I’m not so sure. When we went a few years back, there was no departure fee since both islands were technically Dutch but It might pay to confirm that with someone who is more up to date on these things.

I love Saba - can you tell?



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat