Holy crap,
Color me simple, but isn't there 8 billion boobs in the world and 4 billion wieners ?
Why is this so strange ?
I am glad that the good people of this forum are here.
I just cannot understand some people.
I was talking to a well endowed woman the other day and told her about nude beaches and she was horrified at first until I told her that on a nude beach with " our " people on it that we would talking just as we were,,, eye to eye and face to face , not eye to boobs and vajayjay. She was amazed that that I acknowledged that she was large boobed but not focused on them. I told her she needs to get out more !

To all of those that are on the fence about nudity,,, I hate to break it to you but YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.
Relax, play as a child, kiss your special other longingly, rejoice in your humanity, and yes scars, warts and other things are all part of being human and all of us either are or should be proud of it.

Sorry for the rant , but sometimes I just want to scream.
BTW, If people are in Canada, we are much more relaxed than the USA.
Sorry guys , but it is true.
PS.I have a lot of friends and a business partner in the USA