Whether they're too busy at that exact moment might be true. Whether or not it's the Dutch side or French side, traffic enforcement is and should be a 24 hour activity.

I would say, in my opinion, that the reason we don't have that type of driving behaviors here in the states, (blatant disregard for safety) is the fear of being caught and being fined or arrested. We see these bozo motorcycle groups on the highways causing havoc but the police, when able to, do something about it.

If you're driving down a two lane road in your hometown or anywhere you don't expect that a motorcycle/motorbike/moped will suddenly cross the center line of the road and EXPECT the driver that s/he is illegally passing to yield right of way, much less expect the driver in the oncoming lane to do the same.

I was in law enforcement for >25 years in New Hampshire and Florida. That type of driving behavior would not be tolerated and if there were as many deaths due to that driving behavior in as short a time as these, you could bet your bottom dollar the police would find time to enforce the proper and lawful operation of motor vehicles.

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