Repeat Charterer - of course they are welcome to spout their opinion.
You will notice that I did not take them to task the first time. Please go to the link I provided above.

Posting the same attack a week later in a different forum on this same website has simple crossed the line.

This is obviously not meant to be an informative review on a charter boat. It is simply hateful at this point.

So yes they are absolutely free to post their attack, as I am equally free to call it into question, as well as their motives.

Perhaps they are grubbing for money. Perhaps they are threatening CYOA with extortion... Pay or I'll bash you on every cruising web-site we can find.
Perhaps we will never know.

What I do know is that "all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

I will not stand by and do nothing when I think I smell a rat.