SeaSeaRider - I have already stated, and it's clear for all to see, that I simply let this one go the first time. See the link above. They are clearly welcome to state their opinion.

However, the post above is simply a malicious attack. Perhaps Lcrich didn't do as much damage as hoped with the first attack, and thought it necessary to do it again, a week later. In doing this they crossed the line, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION.

Yours may be different.

Remember - this area of the forum is about Charter Boat Reviews. The post above is simply a cut-and-paste from their attack on CYOA a week ago. It's light on "charter boat review" and heavy on "attack CYOA". We've heard it all before, so it really has no place here.

We have seen over, and over in the past how somebody thinks they can get money out of a charter company by threatening to "go public." It's not fair, and good people get hurt. We saw one of these just a couple of weeks ago. Somebody decided 5 YEARS after chartering a boat that the charter company owed them green, least they vent their spleen. They couldn't even remember what kind of boat they chartered!

Lcrich's behavior is NOW simply wrong. Again, my opinion.

And as you say, it's a free country, so Lcrich is free to vent his splean and so am I.

I'm not going to stand idly by when good people get attacked.

So bring it on.

And yes, I agree that John is fully capable of handling himself. That's why he's still in business after 30 years.

He must be doing something right!