We've been there, and yes, we had to have a tour appointment when we arrived. We were put on the back of a golf cart and driven around. It really seemed to be a waste of time, but that was the deal. We stayed in the hotel building across the pond, it was nice I suppose, nothing special. Seemed that most everybody was nude that we saw in and around the pools, and a mix everywhere else. We visited not long after they had arrested a murderer that was hiding out there (so it must have been 1999, quite awhile ago), he had killed a few people in Yosemite and was a member of Laguna Del Sol and was captured there. Also, they warned us to be careful if we took the trail over to the river, as the river also attracted neighborhood tough guys that had beaten a naked guest of LDS a few weeks before. We did do the hike, but as soon as we saw some people across the river we turned around immediately and headed back to the resort.

Keep in mind this is all now 14 yr. old information, but it's all I have... We live about 2 hours away from LDS and we still prefer to go to DSR, we never went back to LDS. I'm assuming since your name is PSP, you're well aware of DSR. smile

Last edited by banude; 05/27/2013 01:58 AM.