The ariticle states opening Feb 1, that a pipe dream, as from what I can gather or have read, nothing much is happening at this point? I also agree that a high end A.I. should do well, but pricing is an issue.
As I stated in a previous post...I was offered an exchange into this new resort for Jan 28-Feb 4 through RCI,,,but a.I. was mandatory, which personally I did not want. The cost was to be 248.00 per person per day for the A.I. charge. That was a no brainer for me,,,not interested. But for some that may be reasonable?

I called RCI and told them, that from what I had found out,,,this resort wasn't even going to be open Jan 28,2019.....they were unaware??!!

Nevertheless, I do hope, when opened they will be successful, with options for travellers to opt out or partially opt out of A.I. costs. That would be the way to go, especially on SXM.


Randy and Meg Young